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Expertise: Laser processing of thin film photovoltaics
Additional information: P1, P2 and P3 scribing for integrated interconnects in CIGS and kesterite thin film solar cells. High scribing speed of 1.7 m/s. The scribing speed of 50 m/s was obtained exploiting the maximum available laser repetition rate of 1 MHz novel polygon scanning system.
Equipement: • Workstation with picosecond laser Atlantic
• Galvoscanner
• Polygon scanner
• Roll-to-roll processing capability
Contact person: Paulius Gečys
Category: 1. Laser processing trials, 3. Laser process (technology) development, 4. Implementation of laser technologies, 5. Product development, 6. Concept assessment, 7. Technology/ equipment assessment
Laboratory: Lithuania - FTMC